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2018 OHCPS 9th Annual In-Service
On behalf of the staff at Oregon Healthcare Pharmacy Services, we want to thank each of you who attended our 9th Annual Nursing & Administrator In-Service on May 23, 2018 in Oregon, IL.
Over 100 nurses, administrators, directors of nursing, and nurse practitioners from over 50 facilities gave their time to attend and contribute to our annual in-service. You helped make our in-service a success and it was a great pleasure to see so many of you there!
It is our hope that you found the information presented at our in-service interesting, relevant, and applicable to your practice sites. Nurses and nursing home administrators were able to earn up to 5 continuing education credits (CEUs) and all CEU Certificates have been mailed to our attendees. We would also like to thank everyone who gave us feedback and suggestions. We assure you that each will be given consideration to improve our future in-services.
We would like to give a special thanks to the Speakers of our 9th annual in-service - Dr. Appenheimer, Connie Jenson, Bill Bell, Heidi Petersen, and Jason Brusky. Your presentations were informative and entertaining, and we appreciate your desire to contribute to our professions! In addition, we are thankful for the courteous staff at the Rock River Center in Oregon for hosting our pharmacy’s event.
Plans for next years in-service are already under way and we look forward to seeing everyone there! We recommend saving the date, as seating will again be limited. Please mark your calendar for Oregon Healthcare Pharmacy’s 10th Annual Nursing & Administrator In-Service on May 22, 2019 at the Rock River Center in Oregon, IL.
Cordially invites you to visit our booth at the Illinois Health Care Association
68th Annual Convention and Trade Show
Peoria Civic Center
Date: September 11th & 12th, 2018
Booth: # 806 Stop and Register to Win!
Save the Date for our 2019 OHCPS 10th Annual In-service
May22, 2019 - Mark Your Calendar
Oregon Health Care Pharmacy Services, Inc.
1100 Pines Road * Oregon Illinois * 61061
Phone: 866-LTC-MEDS 815-732-1422 * Fax: 815-732-9074
Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved